My Journey


6 monhts after baby

Going through some photos tonight – the photo on the left is of me 6 months after having Zachary. We had just moved into a new home, work was crazy busy, I was learning how to be a mommy… I started crying the first time I saw this photo…silly? Maybe. But it was how I felt. I wasn’t happy with the way I looked and I was determined to change that! Is there anything wrong with how I looked? NO. Absolutely not. I had just had a BABY 6 months before, but I wanted to fit back into my clothes again, feel healthy…I had no energy and I was just not comfortable with my post baby body. I started running. I did Turbo Fire. I lost the weight and then some after Zach turned 1.

Fast forward 2 years later, Noah was born. I had a goal in mind and I wanted to meet it…just to see what my body was capable of. I had gotten T25 from my parents for Christmas and I started the workouts the day I got the all clear from my doctor. I did not do them consistently.

In June, I decided I was going to go all in. I became a coach. I ordered Shakeology®. I committed myself to 60 days of working out. I wanted to see if it REALLY works. I lost over 14 inches and 8 lbs….gained a ton of muscle! Did Gamma round, lost a few more inches. I still had the last 10 pounds to lose. Enter 21 Day Fix. I KNEW it was my diet. I figured I could eat what I wanted because I was busting my butt during workouts…wrong. I never ate really BAD it was the quantity of the things I was eating that was getting me nowhere fast. I put my nutrition in check and I have started eating clean. Week 1. Lost 5 pounds. Week 2. Another couple pounds and some more inches! Week 3 I went on vacation and continued eating healthy and as clean as I could. Results to come tomorrow, but the photos really speak for themselves.

I am proud of myself. I feel healthy and happy. I am not at my pre pregnancy weight, but all of my clothes are fitting comfortably. I will take it. My journey is not over here. Its just too much fun!

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