Pumpkin Apple Butter Shakeology

Pumpkin Apple Butter Shakeology

Yes – you heard me correctly.  Pumpkin Apple Butter Shakeology.   Does that sound weird?  NAH!  Think of it like you do applesauce.   🙂  THIS recipe just SCREAMS FALL FLAVOR!   My mom and I took the boys apple picking recently and I made a batch of 21 Day Fix approved Pumpkin Apple Butter, which I made in the slow cooker, and added it to my daily Shakeology.  The result:  AMAZING.  

Pumpkin Apple Butter Shakeology

The best part is, it’s 21 Day Fix approved!  I do not recommend making your Shakeology with the store-bought stuff unless it doesn’t have any added sugars or artificial sweeteners.  (seriously, make your own, your house will smell amazing!)

Pumpkin Apple Butter Shakeology
A wonderful Fall treat for your taste buds! You'll thank me later. 🙂
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Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
  1. 1 scoop chocolate Shakeology
  2. 1/3-1/2 cup Pumpkin Apple Butter
  3. 4 oz unsweetened almond or cashew milk
  4. water
  5. Ice (I use a lot to make it thicker)
  6. Blend & Enjoy
  1. Blend all ingredients together
  2. Grab and go, or sit down and indulge in your guilt free Fall drink. 🙂
21 Day Fix Counts
  1. 1 Red, 1 Purple
Fit Mom Angela http://fitmomangelad.com/
 Pumpkin Apple Butter Shakeology

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